Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2005年:碧山书艺会 The Bishan Chinese Calligraphy Club

碧山民众俱乐部属下碧山书艺会成立于2005年。开放给对中华书艺有浓厚兴趣的新加坡公民或永久居民。会员入会前必须成为百 胜卡会员。会费每年12

书艺会理事会成员包括  顾问,主席,秘书,研究和 策划,财政,公关各一名.

书艺会每个月举行两次雅集活动 :即第一和第二个星期日, 从下午二时到五时。雅集时的纸和墨由碧山民众俱乐部提供,雅集是开放的,任何人都可以参加,完全免费。雅集后的作品可以带回 或自由交换。

为了提高会员的书法水平,也会邀请国内外著名书法家 举办讲座及组团出国考查,交流或办展览。



The Bishan Chinese Calligraphy Club was formed in 2005 as a unit under the Bishan Community Club. The activities are open to Singapore citizens and PRs who are interested in the art of Chinese calligraphy. Before joining as a member of the Club, a person must be a member of Passion card. The annual membership fee is $12.

The Executive Committee is formed by the following members: Adviser, President, Secretary, Head of Research and Planning, Treasurer and Head of Public Affairs.

The Club organizes regular calligraphy gatherings twice a month: on the first and second Sundays in the afternoon from 2pm to 5pm.The calligraphic paper and ink required for the gathering are provided by Bishan Community Club. The gatherings are open to all, and they are free of charge. After the gathering, participants can bring home their own writings or exchange them with the works of fellow participants.

In order to improve the standard of calligraphic writing of its members, the Club regularly invites famous calligraphers to give talks on calligraphy, organizes overseas trips for members so that they can learn and exchange experiences with other calligraphers. The Club also organizes Calligraphy Exhibitions.

Other than the regular calligraphy gatherings, the Club organizes two main annual activities:
1.      The Annual National Day Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, which is co-organized with Bishan Community Club’s Painting Class. The participants need only to pay for their own art works’ scroll, as other expenses are fully paid by the Bishan Community Club. Only its members can participate in the exhibitions.
2.      The Annual Huichun (writing of auspicious phrases and couplets for the Chinese New Year). The Huichun is usually carried out in the hall of Bishan CC. The Bishan Community Club will supply paper, ink. Lunch is also provided. The Annual Huichun attracts a large member of Bishan residents who come to ask for free couplets written by the Club members.

The reports and details about the Annual Exhibition and Huichun can be founded in the following website: http://www.sgwritings.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?fid=70.


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