Thursday, February 13, 2014







邱博士也长期受国内电视电台邀请,用中英双语通过广播媒体阐述与分享书法艺术与中华文化的感悟与心得,受众群估计好几百万人。海外《探索频道》(Discovery Channel) 还拉队到新加坡为邱博士拍摄专题短片,把这位书法家的艺术事迹带给全球观众。


邱博士也积极著书立说,20年来写了28部书,涉及内容广泛,涵盖中国文学、文化、哲学以及书法理论。其中,"Behind the Brushstrokes" 一书,尤其是邱博士对书法界的一大指标性贡献。全书以英文撰写,用说故事的方式诉说书法艺术的历史与发展。这部英文著作是书法界前所未有的突破,出版后受欧美好几所大学采纳为指定参考书。


A Chinese calligrapher with a legacy that will benefit present and future generations

For his milestone achievements in Chinese calligraphy and the proliferation of a rich culture, Dr Khoo Seow Hwa is presented the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award.

At 63, the alumnus who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Nanyang University is a master of Chinese calligraphy. Through practising the craft, Dr Khoo has found that there is more to it than meets the eye. Chinese history, philosophy, culture and values, not to mention art, are intrinsic to the craft.The calligrapher leverages on his fluency in Mandarin and English to impart knowledge on Chinese calligraphy to as many people as possible. To-date, the bilingual master calligrapher is the only teacher in Singapore to conduct calligraphy courses in both languages.

He has also given talks on the subject over local television and radio stations; his estimate reach, a few millions. Further ashore, the Discovery Channel has even produced a short documentary on Dr Khoo and his calligraphy, with a far reaching audience, worldwide.

He too has given numerous keynote lectures on Chinese art over a span of 20 years.

Dr Khoo became the first Singaporean to hold a solo Chinese calligraphy exhibition in Washington, D.C. His exhibition was followed by a series of lectures. Besides the United States, his calligraphic works has also toured Canada, China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and nearby Malaysia. From 1992, when he held his solo exhibition across China, he was lauded as a 'Tri-Specialist' by his Chinese counterparts. Dr Khoo, the calligrapher, educator and theorist, all rolled into one. 

To share his passion for Chinese calligraphy and culture, he authored 'Behind the Brushstrokes', a first-of-its-kind book which introduces the history of Chinese calligraphy through storytelling – in English. The book has since been used as a source of reference at several universities in Europe and the United States. Dr Khoo is also the author of 28 books on Chinese literature, culture, philosophy and the theories of Chinese calligraphy.

He has donated his work to charity auctions and through his numerous solo exhibitions, has had a hand in raising nearly S$8 million. Dr Khoo has lent support to the fundraising efforts of the National Kidney Foundation, Yayasan Mendaki and many other charitable organisations. 

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